Thursday, January 15, 2009

Those kids who pretend they aren't cold

I'm in the library sitting my the window. It's pretty cold outside, foggy, I could see my breathe when I was walking to campus this morning. Point is, it's too cold to just hang out outside for long periods of time. I'm looking at this group of kids who have been standing outside in the quad for the last hour or so and they are obviously freezing. One has a guitar, duh, and another has his pants that are too tight rolled up with only old lack crocs on as shoes. I don't think the kid with the guitar is actually playing. I just don't dig these groups. I see them every once in a while and am just bewildered. Why are they outside? Why arent they wearing socks? Yes, they have my attention, but if I was that desperate I wouldn't draw attention to myself.

This blog is one written out of bewilderment. I try not to judge, I don't know them. But from an outsiders view...c'mon. It's pretty rediculous.

much love

Saturday, January 3, 2009

In my eternal conquest for the right school

So being that USF royally screwed me over in the financial department and I was more or less forced to transfer, I now find myself in Bellingham, WA. My brother Peter and I made the big move about a month ago into a small drafty apartment with shady neighbors and no towel rack in the bathroom. However, none of that really matters because its ours. It's the first time that I am paying my own rent, having to worry about bills and turning off lights and scrounging change for laundry. It's all very exciting and lonely but a brother makes much more bearable.

I'm starting classes at Western Washington U on Tuesday and I COULD NOT be more excited. Since my decision to transfer it's benn one hell of a bumpy road. Last semester I stayed home and worked and saved money for the move but I couldn't help but feel like my brain was melting out of my ears. I'm not a fan of not being in school. So the brain sweating begins on Tuesday with only 3 classes: Biology 101 with lab, European civilization 101, and Society and Lit Nanotexts.

I've rekindled an old middle school friendship and she also plays rugby which will make for a smooth transition to the life I loved and left in SF: RUGBY!! I'm also working at a small bakery and deli here in B'ham which I like. It's good pay and good people and I have no complaints.

Other than all that I'm still just tugging along, trying to keep afloat and having a good time. Until next time,

much love